Participate in the Lab

I am looking for students who are interested in meaning in life, well-being, physical and psychological health, social processes in depression, calling and meaningful work, the role of spirituality or religion in human functioning, and/or health-promoting and health-risking behaviors. There are many ongoing research projects students can be involved. In addition to this, we take great pride and pleasure in helping students achieve their own research interests. The lab is highly selective, and the minimum requirements for participation are a current 3.5 GPA, evidence of past leadership and achievement, and a one year commitment. We are currently not hiring for paid research assistant positions. If you are interested in being a research assistant, either for course credit or as a volunteer, download this application and send it to me.

All correspondence concerning research, training, or anything involving the Laboratory should be directed to: michael.f.steger[AT]colostate(dot)edu